You probably already noticed that the main page, the docs and this blog are pretty different. That’s because they are built with 3 different static-site generators. The main page is built with my beloved Astro and equally loved SolidJS and DaisyUI, this blog with Quartz and the docs with Docusaurus.

At this point you may be thinking that this is madness and looks like the average enterprise software stack with a bunch of micro-services (and you would be right), but each one serves a purpose: the main page with Astro gives me more flexibility to do whatever I want, Quartz makes me feel home (as a Obsidian user) and Docusaurus… it doesn’t get any compliments by how annoying it was to get it working properly.

Another point is that I get bored with my own designs quickly and my perfectionism makes me want to tweak or change everything. Solutions like Quartz, which are a complete package, help you focus on writing content instead of code and make it simple enough to change the styles.

That’s kinda it, it is a pretty messy setup but works fairly well. The only thing that I might change is to no longer use Docusaurus and build my own, more reliable and more optimized (Docusaurus has a huge bundle size) docs with Astro. When I’m going to build it? Well you read the title.

See ya!